Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cellular Respiration And Alcohol Fermentation Aging

Living organisms are all comparative in that they can take vitality from their situations as a way to do work. Cellular respiration and alcohol fermentation aging are perfect examples of job. Yeast, a single celled organism starts fermentation when sugar is available, to make compound vitality, and in the making create carbon dioxide. Investigations were performed to comprehend this procedure better. One experiment concentrated on yeast and glucose, creating CO2 with various sorts of pH levels. Respirometers were utilized to record the measure of CO2 produced. Both tests turned out to be instructive, with all pH levels fermenting the yeast furthermore, creating carbon dioxide. Furthermore, our hypothesis and predictions made were not fully†¦show more content†¦Yeast fermentation can be affected by various natural elements such as pH. Temperature, and sugar concentration (Xia et al, 2016). Every one of these 3 elements are essential for the survival of yeast, which will now h ave the opportunity to experience alcoholic fermentation. According to research that has been done to decide the ideal pH value of which enzymes are the most active. The most elevated rate of yeast fermentation, followed by the amount of ethanol produced is accomplished at a pH 5 (Deesuth, Laopaiboon, and Laopaiboon, 2016). An experiment conducted by Li Wang, Robert Knowles, and Shuzer Tanoka incorporated the testing of fermentor which automatically included a controlled examination of pH fixation within it. The experiment began once the specialists included certain amounts of yeast and glucose into the fermentor containing pH (Deesuth, Laopaiboon, and Laopaiboon, 2016). The rate of fermentation was tested by writing down the final concentration of yeast in the fermentor and the optimum pH (KAM, 2016). This experiment was important Our hypothesis was that if the pH is higher then the yeast will give off more CO^2. PH effects metabolic processes because each enzyme has a pH optimum, it s a range where the catalyst action doesn t change much (KAM, 2016). At the point when the pH changes drastically (typically more than 1 unit), the action of the compound will likewise change. With that being said changes ofShow MoreRelatedBio156 Lab 5 Essay977 Words   |  4 Pages56 Define the following terms: Cellular respiration (aerobic respiration) (2 points) Cellular respiration is the process by which cells get their energy in the form of ATP. There are two types of cellular respiration, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration is more efficient and can be used in the presence of oxygen. Aerobic respiration, or  cell respiration  using oxygen, uses the end product of  glycolysis in the  TCA cycle  to produce more energy currency in the form of  ATP  than can be obtainedRead MoreSexually Transmitted Diseases35655 Words   |  143 Pageswater |   Solid |   Gas mixture |   Air entrapped in soil |   Liquid |   Gas mixture |   Oxygen dissolved in water |   Gas |   Gas mixture |   Air containing hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide etc. |   Liquid |   Liquid mixture |   Water and alcohol | Differences between mixtures and compounds   Mixtures |   Compounds |   A mixture can be separated into its constituents by physical processes (filtration, evaporation, sublimation, distillation) |   A compound cannot be separated into its constituents

Sunday, December 15, 2019

People With Disabilities Free Essays

The nature, causality, assessment, prevention, accommodation, and my personal reflection of the hearing loss will be discussed in my paper. I. Nature of the Exceptionally: According to Gallaudet University, approximately 1 of every 1,000 infants is born deaf while 6 of every 1,000 are born with some degree of hearing loss. We will write a custom essay sample on People With Disabilities or any similar topic only for you Order Now Permanent hearing loss at birth annually affects 24,000 infants in the USA. In other words, 6 infants per 1,000 will have a hearing loss in a least one ear that will affect communication, cognition, and educational development. Twenty to thirty percent of hearing loss in children occurs during infancy and early childhood. Some will suffer hearing loss in one ear or possibly both. There are different types of hearing loss. A conductive hearing loss occurs in the middle ear. This is where three small bones involved in hearing are located. A hearing loss that occurs in this part of the ear is usually temporary. A chronic or recurrent ear infections may cause a hearing loss in the middle ear. There are cases where there is a malformation in this area that can be improved or corrected through surgery. There are occasions when a problem in the middle ear can not be corrected. A sensori-neural hearing loss occurs in the middle ear and indicates that there is nerve damage. This type of loss is not reversible. In summary, there are different natures of hearing loss some that can be corrected or others that are irreversible. II. Etiology/Causality: Parents sometimes ask Why did this happen to my child In some cases, the cause of a childs hearing loss may be easy to trace. There may be a family history of deafness, a congenital condition, an illness, an accident, a prescribed edication, etc. that may obviously be cause of the hearing loss. In many cases, there may be no obvious reason for the hearing loss. Parents must come to understand that they may likely never know the cause of this hearing loss. In my case, Meningitis was the cause of my hearing loss. When I was one year old, I was not responding to my parents calls. They took me to the hospital to get tested and found that I had Meningitis. III. Assessment Many birthing facilities in our country have currently adopted the Universal Testing of all infants for hearing loss. The two most frequently used measures for testing infants are the ABR (Auditory Brainstem Response) and Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs). Both measures can be made on an infant while he or she is sleeping and requires no response from the child. The ABR monitors brain activity. It looks specifically, however, the activity that happens in response to sound. OAEs are a quick, non-invasive probe measure that determines cochlear, or inner ear, function. The importance of early childhood development is critical for a child with a hearing loss. Early diagnosis and intervention of hearing loss can mean the difference etween toddlers entering school with severe language and concept delays versus children with age appropriate language and concept development. Early hearing screening paves the way for children to be able to begin life on an equal footing with their hearing peers. Recent research at Gallaudet University indicates that children whose hearing losses are identified in the first 6 months of life, and who receive intervention services, developed language within the normal range. IV. Prevention/Remediation/Accommodation: The law mandates that public schools are responsible for providing an appropriate education ithin the childs neighborhood school. School districts are required to educate students the least restrictive environment with the related services necessary to allow for their success. Some counties/states will have what is called cluster programs. This is when classes for the deaf or hard of hearing are located in specific schools. Students can be in an environment with a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing and deaf and hard of hearing peers but also be in a regular school setting. Another options for family is a school for the deaf. Most schools for the deaf now offer different communication options rom which a family can choose. Schools must take language and communication needs, opportunities for direct communications with peers and professional personnel in the childs language and communication mode, academic level, and full range of needs, including opportunities for direct instruction in the childs language and communication mode into consideration. This does not mean that the peer will also have a hearing loss but should be able to communicate in the deaf or hard of hearing childs mode of communication. Many parents choose to have their children in a setting where other deaf and hard of earing students are also in attendance thereby allowing for friendships with other deaf and hard of hearing students to develop naturally. Teacher may need to adjust their classroom to meet the students needs. The teacher must focus on reducing background noises as much as possible. To reduce background noises the classroom can have carpeting, area rugs, or drapes. If the classroom do not have drapes, tennis balls can be attached to the bottom of chair legs to stop chairs from scraping on the floor. Noise absorbing material such as a corkboard can be added to the classroom as well. The teacher should consider background noise when choosing the childs seating placement. The school should adjust their teaching strategies to accommodate their students needs. When teaching in the classroom, the teacher needs to remember that a hearing aide do not correct hearing in the same way that eyeglasses correct vision. When speaking to the class, the teacher needs to be in a distance where the child will be able to understand speech and speak at a normal tone. They need to remember that the deaf or hard or hearing child may have fluctuating hearing oss as a result of colds or ear infections changing what we can hear from day to day. There are communication options that teachers can use in the classroom. American Sign Language (ASL) is a manual language that is distinct from spoken English. Extensively used within and among deaf community. English is, however, taught as a second language. Closed Captioning is way of communication used on the television set. Words appear on the bottom of the screen to communicate to a deaf or hard of hearing student. Another form of communication is an interpreter. Interpreters are used for deaf and hard of hearing students to communicate in ASL what the teacher is discussing. Total Communication is the philosophy of using every to communicate with deaf and hard of hearing students. The child is exposed to a formal sign-language system, finger spelling, natural gestures, speech reading, body language, oral speech, and use of amplification. The idea is to communicate and teach vocabulary and language in any manner that works in the classroom. V. Personal Reflections: When I wrote this paper, I have never given my culture background any thought. Deaf culture is part of my ife. I have basically been raised in more of a hearing culture setting then a deaf culture setting. I went to school with my hearing peers but yet had many deaf friends. I went through the nature, causality, assessment, and the accommodation discussed in this paper. I have experienced this first hand and am lucky to have this support. Deaf and hard of hearing has their advantages. We have a right to sit up front at a concert or event. We can also shut people out by just switching off our hearing aides. Being part of the Deaf community is a great experience and I would not change that for the world. How to cite People With Disabilities, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Action Research in ICT in Education free essay sample

Action research is defined as the flexible spiral method that allows action and research to be attained concurrently. Action research is educative, lays special emphasis on individuals, focuses on problems, and is future –oriented and context specific. Â  In the Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education context, this means that the researcher takes up an active role in planning and executing change, thus enabling the participants to gain knowledge as the researchers make their observations. The researcher becomes a reflective practitioner whose role continues beyond the conclusion of one research project. This paper designs a research study for Action research for ICT in education. The research study seeks to investigate the current situation of the ICT usage. The study will also help to design and implement a CPD (in serves development) programme based on a VLE to improve the tutor’s ability to use ICT in their teaching. The research will also investigate how VLE is best exploited in order to enhance teaching and learning of ICT in schools. We will write a custom essay sample on Action Research in ICT in Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Based on the results of the research, university (X) will determine whether to deploy VLE on a commitment basis for use in the long-term ICT education in the University. Action Research in ICT in education Introduction Action research is defined as the flexible spiral method that allows action and research to be attained concurrently. Â  The understanding gained through the process allows for more informed changes (dick 2002, cited by Selwood Twining 2005 p1). In the Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education context, this means that the researcher takes up an active role in planning and executing change, thus enabling the participants to gain knowledge as the researchers make their observations. Unlike the use of computers or the internet only, action research in ICT in education is more integrated as it combines both communication technologies and information technologies. This means that action research targets the role of various media that handles and communicates large amounts of education related information (Dadds 2009). The mediums of communication subject to such research range from satellite communication, FM radios, computers and the internet. According to Kurt Lewin (2008), Action research is educative, lays special emphasis on individuals, focuses on problems, and is future –oriented and context specific. Additionally, Lewin states that action research involves cyclic processes through which research, deeds and assessments are interconnected. Â  In ICT in education, the participants of action research are part of the change process since the entire process is founded on research relationships. According to Staff et al (2002p3), action research in whichever field is not attained through a harmonious thought, but through problematic struggles that form part of the action practice. According to Reason Bradbury (2001 p xxiv), action research includes various approaches, which are differently to depending with the traditions, philosophies and psychological persuasions of the participants. Action research in ICT education is different from the everyday research or teaching methods used by teachers (Cohen et al 2003 p227). Â  According Cohen and others state that action research is more systematic, collaborative and more apt in collecting evidence, through which rigorous reflections by groups is based. Â  Unlike other forms of research done in the ICT sector, action research is not problem oriented. Rather, the motivation behind action research is the quest for understanding and improving the learning atmosphere (Laker, 2001 p45). Another major difference between action research done on the ICT education sector and other forms of research is the fact that the research is done by ICT students on their own work as opposed to works done by other people. As such, the research helps the participants to improve what they do, how they do it and how they relate with fellow workers (Cohen et al 2003p 227). Selwood and Twining (2005 p 10) reckons that there are some limitations to ICT based action research. They however concur that the benefits of carrying out research, which involves university lecturers as the main participants has more benefits. By engaging university professors and college lecturers in ICT based action research, will result them in developing new ways of relating with other professionals, which include professional researcher.