Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cellular Respiration And Alcohol Fermentation Aging

Living organisms are all comparative in that they can take vitality from their situations as a way to do work. Cellular respiration and alcohol fermentation aging are perfect examples of job. Yeast, a single celled organism starts fermentation when sugar is available, to make compound vitality, and in the making create carbon dioxide. Investigations were performed to comprehend this procedure better. One experiment concentrated on yeast and glucose, creating CO2 with various sorts of pH levels. Respirometers were utilized to record the measure of CO2 produced. Both tests turned out to be instructive, with all pH levels fermenting the yeast furthermore, creating carbon dioxide. Furthermore, our hypothesis and predictions made were not fully†¦show more content†¦Yeast fermentation can be affected by various natural elements such as pH. Temperature, and sugar concentration (Xia et al, 2016). Every one of these 3 elements are essential for the survival of yeast, which will now h ave the opportunity to experience alcoholic fermentation. According to research that has been done to decide the ideal pH value of which enzymes are the most active. The most elevated rate of yeast fermentation, followed by the amount of ethanol produced is accomplished at a pH 5 (Deesuth, Laopaiboon, and Laopaiboon, 2016). An experiment conducted by Li Wang, Robert Knowles, and Shuzer Tanoka incorporated the testing of fermentor which automatically included a controlled examination of pH fixation within it. The experiment began once the specialists included certain amounts of yeast and glucose into the fermentor containing pH (Deesuth, Laopaiboon, and Laopaiboon, 2016). The rate of fermentation was tested by writing down the final concentration of yeast in the fermentor and the optimum pH (KAM, 2016). This experiment was important Our hypothesis was that if the pH is higher then the yeast will give off more CO^2. PH effects metabolic processes because each enzyme has a pH optimum, it s a range where the catalyst action doesn t change much (KAM, 2016). At the point when the pH changes drastically (typically more than 1 unit), the action of the compound will likewise change. With that being said changes ofShow MoreRelatedBio156 Lab 5 Essay977 Words   |  4 Pages56 Define the following terms: Cellular respiration (aerobic respiration) (2 points) Cellular respiration is the process by which cells get their energy in the form of ATP. There are two types of cellular respiration, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration is more efficient and can be used in the presence of oxygen. Aerobic respiration, or  cell respiration  using oxygen, uses the end product of  glycolysis in the  TCA cycle  to produce more energy currency in the form of  ATP  than can be obtainedRead MoreSexually Transmitted Diseases35655 Words   |  143 Pageswater |   Solid |   Gas mixture |   Air entrapped in soil |   Liquid |   Gas mixture |   Oxygen dissolved in water |   Gas |   Gas mixture |   Air containing hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide etc. |   Liquid |   Liquid mixture |   Water and alcohol | Differences between mixtures and compounds   Mixtures |   Compounds |   A mixture can be separated into its constituents by physical processes (filtration, evaporation, sublimation, distillation) |   A compound cannot be separated into its constituents

Sunday, December 15, 2019

People With Disabilities Free Essays

The nature, causality, assessment, prevention, accommodation, and my personal reflection of the hearing loss will be discussed in my paper. I. Nature of the Exceptionally: According to Gallaudet University, approximately 1 of every 1,000 infants is born deaf while 6 of every 1,000 are born with some degree of hearing loss. We will write a custom essay sample on People With Disabilities or any similar topic only for you Order Now Permanent hearing loss at birth annually affects 24,000 infants in the USA. In other words, 6 infants per 1,000 will have a hearing loss in a least one ear that will affect communication, cognition, and educational development. Twenty to thirty percent of hearing loss in children occurs during infancy and early childhood. Some will suffer hearing loss in one ear or possibly both. There are different types of hearing loss. A conductive hearing loss occurs in the middle ear. This is where three small bones involved in hearing are located. A hearing loss that occurs in this part of the ear is usually temporary. A chronic or recurrent ear infections may cause a hearing loss in the middle ear. There are cases where there is a malformation in this area that can be improved or corrected through surgery. There are occasions when a problem in the middle ear can not be corrected. A sensori-neural hearing loss occurs in the middle ear and indicates that there is nerve damage. This type of loss is not reversible. In summary, there are different natures of hearing loss some that can be corrected or others that are irreversible. II. Etiology/Causality: Parents sometimes ask Why did this happen to my child In some cases, the cause of a childs hearing loss may be easy to trace. There may be a family history of deafness, a congenital condition, an illness, an accident, a prescribed edication, etc. that may obviously be cause of the hearing loss. In many cases, there may be no obvious reason for the hearing loss. Parents must come to understand that they may likely never know the cause of this hearing loss. In my case, Meningitis was the cause of my hearing loss. When I was one year old, I was not responding to my parents calls. They took me to the hospital to get tested and found that I had Meningitis. III. Assessment Many birthing facilities in our country have currently adopted the Universal Testing of all infants for hearing loss. The two most frequently used measures for testing infants are the ABR (Auditory Brainstem Response) and Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs). Both measures can be made on an infant while he or she is sleeping and requires no response from the child. The ABR monitors brain activity. It looks specifically, however, the activity that happens in response to sound. OAEs are a quick, non-invasive probe measure that determines cochlear, or inner ear, function. The importance of early childhood development is critical for a child with a hearing loss. Early diagnosis and intervention of hearing loss can mean the difference etween toddlers entering school with severe language and concept delays versus children with age appropriate language and concept development. Early hearing screening paves the way for children to be able to begin life on an equal footing with their hearing peers. Recent research at Gallaudet University indicates that children whose hearing losses are identified in the first 6 months of life, and who receive intervention services, developed language within the normal range. IV. Prevention/Remediation/Accommodation: The law mandates that public schools are responsible for providing an appropriate education ithin the childs neighborhood school. School districts are required to educate students the least restrictive environment with the related services necessary to allow for their success. Some counties/states will have what is called cluster programs. This is when classes for the deaf or hard of hearing are located in specific schools. Students can be in an environment with a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing and deaf and hard of hearing peers but also be in a regular school setting. Another options for family is a school for the deaf. Most schools for the deaf now offer different communication options rom which a family can choose. Schools must take language and communication needs, opportunities for direct communications with peers and professional personnel in the childs language and communication mode, academic level, and full range of needs, including opportunities for direct instruction in the childs language and communication mode into consideration. This does not mean that the peer will also have a hearing loss but should be able to communicate in the deaf or hard of hearing childs mode of communication. Many parents choose to have their children in a setting where other deaf and hard of earing students are also in attendance thereby allowing for friendships with other deaf and hard of hearing students to develop naturally. Teacher may need to adjust their classroom to meet the students needs. The teacher must focus on reducing background noises as much as possible. To reduce background noises the classroom can have carpeting, area rugs, or drapes. If the classroom do not have drapes, tennis balls can be attached to the bottom of chair legs to stop chairs from scraping on the floor. Noise absorbing material such as a corkboard can be added to the classroom as well. The teacher should consider background noise when choosing the childs seating placement. The school should adjust their teaching strategies to accommodate their students needs. When teaching in the classroom, the teacher needs to remember that a hearing aide do not correct hearing in the same way that eyeglasses correct vision. When speaking to the class, the teacher needs to be in a distance where the child will be able to understand speech and speak at a normal tone. They need to remember that the deaf or hard or hearing child may have fluctuating hearing oss as a result of colds or ear infections changing what we can hear from day to day. There are communication options that teachers can use in the classroom. American Sign Language (ASL) is a manual language that is distinct from spoken English. Extensively used within and among deaf community. English is, however, taught as a second language. Closed Captioning is way of communication used on the television set. Words appear on the bottom of the screen to communicate to a deaf or hard of hearing student. Another form of communication is an interpreter. Interpreters are used for deaf and hard of hearing students to communicate in ASL what the teacher is discussing. Total Communication is the philosophy of using every to communicate with deaf and hard of hearing students. The child is exposed to a formal sign-language system, finger spelling, natural gestures, speech reading, body language, oral speech, and use of amplification. The idea is to communicate and teach vocabulary and language in any manner that works in the classroom. V. Personal Reflections: When I wrote this paper, I have never given my culture background any thought. Deaf culture is part of my ife. I have basically been raised in more of a hearing culture setting then a deaf culture setting. I went to school with my hearing peers but yet had many deaf friends. I went through the nature, causality, assessment, and the accommodation discussed in this paper. I have experienced this first hand and am lucky to have this support. Deaf and hard of hearing has their advantages. We have a right to sit up front at a concert or event. We can also shut people out by just switching off our hearing aides. Being part of the Deaf community is a great experience and I would not change that for the world. How to cite People With Disabilities, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Action Research in ICT in Education free essay sample

Action research is defined as the flexible spiral method that allows action and research to be attained concurrently. Action research is educative, lays special emphasis on individuals, focuses on problems, and is future –oriented and context specific. Â  In the Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education context, this means that the researcher takes up an active role in planning and executing change, thus enabling the participants to gain knowledge as the researchers make their observations. The researcher becomes a reflective practitioner whose role continues beyond the conclusion of one research project. This paper designs a research study for Action research for ICT in education. The research study seeks to investigate the current situation of the ICT usage. The study will also help to design and implement a CPD (in serves development) programme based on a VLE to improve the tutor’s ability to use ICT in their teaching. The research will also investigate how VLE is best exploited in order to enhance teaching and learning of ICT in schools. We will write a custom essay sample on Action Research in ICT in Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Based on the results of the research, university (X) will determine whether to deploy VLE on a commitment basis for use in the long-term ICT education in the University. Action Research in ICT in education Introduction Action research is defined as the flexible spiral method that allows action and research to be attained concurrently. Â  The understanding gained through the process allows for more informed changes (dick 2002, cited by Selwood Twining 2005 p1). In the Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education context, this means that the researcher takes up an active role in planning and executing change, thus enabling the participants to gain knowledge as the researchers make their observations. Unlike the use of computers or the internet only, action research in ICT in education is more integrated as it combines both communication technologies and information technologies. This means that action research targets the role of various media that handles and communicates large amounts of education related information (Dadds 2009). The mediums of communication subject to such research range from satellite communication, FM radios, computers and the internet. According to Kurt Lewin (2008), Action research is educative, lays special emphasis on individuals, focuses on problems, and is future –oriented and context specific. Additionally, Lewin states that action research involves cyclic processes through which research, deeds and assessments are interconnected. Â  In ICT in education, the participants of action research are part of the change process since the entire process is founded on research relationships. According to Staff et al (2002p3), action research in whichever field is not attained through a harmonious thought, but through problematic struggles that form part of the action practice. According to Reason Bradbury (2001 p xxiv), action research includes various approaches, which are differently to depending with the traditions, philosophies and psychological persuasions of the participants. Action research in ICT education is different from the everyday research or teaching methods used by teachers (Cohen et al 2003 p227). Â  According Cohen and others state that action research is more systematic, collaborative and more apt in collecting evidence, through which rigorous reflections by groups is based. Â  Unlike other forms of research done in the ICT sector, action research is not problem oriented. Rather, the motivation behind action research is the quest for understanding and improving the learning atmosphere (Laker, 2001 p45). Another major difference between action research done on the ICT education sector and other forms of research is the fact that the research is done by ICT students on their own work as opposed to works done by other people. As such, the research helps the participants to improve what they do, how they do it and how they relate with fellow workers (Cohen et al 2003p 227). Selwood and Twining (2005 p 10) reckons that there are some limitations to ICT based action research. They however concur that the benefits of carrying out research, which involves university lecturers as the main participants has more benefits. By engaging university professors and college lecturers in ICT based action research, will result them in developing new ways of relating with other professionals, which include professional researcher.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Role of Božena Horáková in the Movie Little Otik

Introduction Little Otik is a fascinating comedy movie whose storyline conforms to both Froyd’s and Mulvry’s theories of psychology and film respectively. It is a Czech film acted in 2000 and based on a fascinating folktale Otesanek by Erben. The main protagonists are BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡, Karel Horà ¡k, and AlÃ… ¾bÄ›tka. Their characters are clearly described to the audience through semiotic means and application of various camera angles in the entire movie story.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Role of BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡ in the Movie Little Otik specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Filmmaking calls for hard work especially when aiming at producing a competent movie in the industry (Acher and Pincus 56). There has been an upward trend in the growth and development of filmmaking over the last few decades. The upward rising growth and development is due to the increased film ac ting talents and development of theories that criticize the old films. Hence, newly produced films seem to have an improvement to the old ones (Wood 95). Scene one: Protecting Otik from the father when he wants to chop him after seeing her breastfeeding him BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s character shows a great motherly love, selfishness, and insensitivity. Being with her motherly love character, BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡ has no child of her own, and thus she takes too much care to her adopted tree stump child with much love as her own born child (Little Otik). However, Otik has angered the society for eating people and hence threatening their security. The move by Otik’s father to have him killed is being triggered by Otik’s cannibalistic character. Hence, BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s action to protect Otik shows selfishness and carelessness in other people’s welfare. In addition, her character shows a great element of insensitivity of risks that their l ives face, and hence she ought to support her husband in doing away with Otik. The camera angle used at this scene creates a disturbing mood to the audience. It is a high-angle shot to the Otik and makes him look innocent and inferior. However, it is a neutral shot to the BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡ and Karel Horà ¡k, her husband. This aspect makes her husband look merciless and brutal, but weaker than her protective wife. On the other hand, BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡, looks protective and merciful for her child, hence the audience is moved by her action though and immoral move. The movie, Little Otik, was produced in the twenty first century when the film industry was much developed and feminism was a long gone issue. However, its development is based on the conforming to the will of Mulvey and Freud as expressed by their renowned theories. In contrast to the 1950s and 1960s movies whose main protagonists were male, Little Otik has used a couple and a neighbor’s daughter, AlÃ… ¾ bÄ›tka, as the main protagonists.Advertising Looking for research paper on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Scene Two: Her Reaction after the Social Worker Died Similar to the scene one, BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡ still protects Otik from the ruthlessness of his father. Karel Horà ¡k realizes his mistake of shaping the tree stump into the shape of a kid and giving it to his barren wife when it is too late. However, his wife has mercy over the stump child and protects him after killing and eating a human being. This happens soon after eating a postal worker (Little Otik). In this scene, BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s character does not change from the first scene, but rather extends to extreme carelessness and inhumane behavior. She seems not to feel the loss of a human life when they realize that their child has killed and eaten a human being. She protects Otik by showing him a motherly love when she feeds him as usual and as if nothing has happened. The camera angle is similar to the scene one though tilted at an acute angle from above, while making Otik look vulnerable to his father’s ruthlessness. Scene Three: When Otik eats her hair BoÃ… ¾enaHorà ¡kovà ¡ seems not to feel any danger when her hair is eaten by Otik (Little Otik). Her husband is sensitive and his great sensitivity of danger, likely to be caused by Otik, puts him at odds with his wife. BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s character is dominated by great insensitivity as she sees Otik’s behavior as a normal child behavior that could easily be corrected. It is normal for a mother to protect her child against anyone with a bad intention, but she too needs to consider the reason behind the aggression of a person towards her child. Her insensitivity is clearly seen when she considers the habit as normal and fails to react immediately, and thus protect everyone from acting. The camera angle is a point of view s hot that allows the audience to make character judgment without being directed by the camerawork. The dominant camera angle in this scene is the worm shot angle against Otik. This angel makes Otik look like a monster and superior character that could harm the lives of the other characters (Fisher 78). On the other hand, bird eye shot camera angle is applied to other characters and helps to make them appear inferior to Otik’s character. According to the theories of psychoanalysis by Freud that personal development is often triggered by the school of thought that produces some results such as the defense mechanism. In addition, he argues that the driving force, which leads to such results, is generated by libido in his psychoanalytic theory (Freud 56).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Role of BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡ in the Movie Little Otik specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mulvey’s added some weight to her theory that explains movies as the possible source of social behaviors. The two theories play a great role in the Little Otik movie since the characters were used as representatives of real life characters in the social life. Conclusion Going by the Mulvey and Freud’s theories in the above three scenes, Little Otik has influenced the society in various ways and the movie as an artwork it reflects the real events that take place in the society (Fisher 78). Some parents protect their children, while their behaviors are a threat to other people in the society as it is reflected by BoÃ… ¾enaHorà ¡kovà ¡ who symbolizes over caring mothers. On the other hand, it has influenced the society by urging them to leave the children’s matter at the hands of their parents who overprotect their ill behaviors. In addition, the camera angles that were used during the acting of the movie have played a major role in the delivery of the intended information to the soc iety. With regard to the movie plot has been a literature work that was published long before the movie was filmed. For instance, in the scene three, Otik ought to appear superior and more dangerous than any other character in the film, and this was influenced by a worm shot camera angle against him, and bird eye shot camera angle against other characters. Hence, Little Otik movie has a great art work. Works Cited Acher, Steven, and Edward Pincus. The Filmmaker’s Handbook: A Comprehensive  Guide for the Digital Age, New York: Plume, 2012. Print. Fisher, Seymour. The Scientific Credibility of Freud’s Theories and Therapy, Columbia University Press, New York: 1985. Print. Freud, Sigmund. The Interpretation of Dreams, London: NuVision Publications, 2004. Print.Advertising Looking for research paper on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Little Otik. Dir. Jan Ã…  vankmajer. Czech Republic: Barrandov Biografia. 2000. Film. Mulvey, Laura. Visual and Other Pleasures, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989. Print. Wood, Jason. Talking Movies: Contemporary World Filmmakers in Interview, Washington, D.C: Wallflower Press, 2006. Print. This research paper on The Role of BoÃ… ¾ena Horà ¡kovà ¡ in the Movie Little Otik was written and submitted by user Lindsay Avery to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

William Roy and Contemporary Corporation essays

William Roy and Contemporary Corporation essays William Roy's conception of the contemporary corporation focuses on the merger wave of the 1890's during which which many large firms turned to public capital markets to facilitate mergers. The change that occurred in corporations was when they went from a public sphere to a private sphere. Two sectors, manufacturing and financial, came together at this time. In this book Roy criticizes the efficiency theory and relies heavily on the power theory. He felt that with the efficiency theory, anything that was done was done to maximize profits at that given time in history. The power theory looks back on history and relies heavily upon it. The main transformation that has occurred in corporate America has been the transformation of the ownership. Now corporations are owned by many people, (socialized capital) instead of an individual. "Corporations were developed to undertake jobs that were not rational or not appropriate from the perspective of the individual businessman." (Roy, 41) This is where the transformation of public too private took place. The corporation that exists today has been contingent and developed from pre-existing forms. It evolved from the public corporation. The emergence of the railroad, the power of anti-monopoly, anti-state method of Jacksonian anti-corporation privatized and democratized the corporation. Although the corporate retained many of its privileges, it also made these privileges available to the general public through incorporation laws. Thus, the corporation lost its hold on its public accountability. The boundaries that were developed between the public and private could have been drawn quite differently. For instance, the manufacturing field could have maintained its power in firms that were not corporations. In addition, the corporate setting could have retained its public accountability. The state could have maintained more control over railroads and banks the way it contro...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Causes of Different Types of Crimes

Causes of Different Types of Crimes Deviant behaviors are those behaviors that society does not like because the society does not see the behavior as a normal behavior for that society. Like gay marriages or cross dressers. Deviant behavior that is criminal is when the behavior becomes harmful to those in the society. Like murdering a person. A behavior that is criminal but not deviant would be driving under the influence or being intoxicated in public. A behavior that is deviant but not criminal would be a teenager with piercings and tattoos all over their body. A behavior that is both deviant and criminal would be spousal abuse. Society determines which behaviors are deviant and which are criminal. Governments or even individuals can convince local authorities that a deviant act is criminal or vice versa. Criminal laws vary because the laws are imposed by the local authorities so the laws will be different from city to city, state to state, or even town to town. Criminologists utilize three primary sources of data t hat provide information on the nature and extent of crime. Identify and explain each of these three different sources of crime data. Also, assess the strengths and weaknesses of each source. Finally, provide an example of a research question that a criminologist may be interested in examining and then explain which source of crime data the researcher would need to utilize to answer his/her question. The three primary sources of data that can provide information on the nature and extent of crime are (1) crimes that get reported to the authorities, this includes the uniform crime reports and the national incident based reporting system (2) victimization surveys which includes the national crime victimization survey and (3) the self-report surveys that include the monitoring the future studies. The uniform crime reports are recorded by the FBI and include all the crimes that have been reported to the authorities and how many arrests are made. The report that the FBI makes is sectioned out by city and county by the most serious crimes that occurred. These are called â€Å"part I crimes and part II crimes† Part I crimes include things like rape, robbery and burglary whereas part II crimes include sex crimes and other types of crimes not defined in the part I crimes. A strength for the UCR is the way that the data is collected makes the UCR a good indicator of patterns in crime. A weakness for the UCR is that many crimes are not reported to authorities and therefore do not get counted. The national incident based reporting system goes a step further than the UCR does in that it requires local authorities to provide a report of the arrest that includes details of the incident and also information on the victim and the criminal. These reports are sent to the FBI for only certain offenses that include not only the offenses that the URC covers but also includes white collar crimes and drug offenses. A strength of the national incident based reporting system is th at it includes more details on the crimes than the UCR does which will hopefully improve how accurate the crime data is. A weakness of the NIBRS is that it only reports crime that have been reported to authorities it does not include crimes that have taken place but not reported by the victim.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Intro to fiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intro to fiction - Essay Example The main character in the story sees Mangan’s sister at the time when they were playing with other boys. The boys used to admire the way Mangan’s sister walked and the ways she had made her hair. This desire in the boy is brought out when he describes the ways the hair of Mangan’s sister moved as she walked. â€Å"soft rope of hair tossed from side to side,†(Joyce 14). This story shows the way in which boys get mental confusion as they begin to notice the beauty in women. The main character in the story is still too young to understand issues of love. He does not know how to please a beautiful girl. He decides to go to the market to buy a good present for the girl hoping to win her love. However, he starts to feel some sense of confusion as he realizes the confusion of love. He fails to win the love of the girl and suffers deeply because of rejection. The behavior of the boys in the story by James Joyce is almost similar to the behavior of the three men in the story called â€Å"A Woman on a Roof.† In this second story the three men see a woman sunbathing on the roof of her house. The woman is dressed scantily and the men can see most of her nakedness. The men are caught up by desire and want to catch the attention of the women. All of them try in different ways to attract the woman but she refuses to listen to them. However, she remains on the roof as she enjoys the sun. The men are Tom, Stanley, and Harry. Tom is the youngest of them while Harry is the oldest. Tom is very much interested in loving the woman. He does not have a lot of experience in issues of love and thinks that he is the only one who can love the woman in the proper way. He does not want the other men to win the love of the woman. However, the woman rejects all of them. Stanley is very angry with the woman because he thinks that women must love men. According to Stanley, the actions of the woman are equal to â€Å"a crime gotten away with,† (Lessing 858). This means that

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Entrepreneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Entrepreneur - Essay Example In addition, it will also describe some of the measures that they as business entrepreneurs can learn, use, introduce and/or implement so that they can improve, manage and mitigate the risks so that they can have long lasting and successful business enterprises. Entrepreneurship is developing new, better and competitive products and/or services by utilizing and maximizing the available resources, so as to meet the never ending and unmet human necessities. It is also described as the ability to direct, control, execute, manage, analyze and take responsibility of the risks (Ramachandran 220). Business entrepreneurship is also one of the most crucial driving forces of economies globally. A business entrepreneur is an individual who sources for opportunities within the economy by analyzing the unmet human needs; he/she takes advantage of the opportunity/ situation at hand; hence, introduces and implements products and/or services that will meet these needs .Moreover, he/she effectively manages the foreseen and unforeseen risks/ challenges involved in the business. Just like any leader, for any business entrepreneur to achieve success, they have to work within the essentials of management which entail; being effective, practice efficiency and also exercise economy management. Effectiveness in meeting the set objectives(s) or goal(s) is achieved by meeting the unmet needs which led to the product. Efficiency is achieved by doing things in the right way; by setting clear guidelines; procedures and processes to be followed in their undertakings. Business entrepreneur has by being economical by minimizing their production costs; they achieve this by using the right but also low cost resources for their products and services while still maintaining the products and/or services standards. A Business entrepreneur has to possess the key management skills these include planning, leadership, organizing and time management skills among others (Ramachandran 210). Most business

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Red Bull Essay Example for Free

Red Bull Essay Many people, especially young people, athletes and students, drink energy drinks like: Red Bull, Rock Star and Monster almost every day to survive in their busy life. However, these people do not know the dangerous side effects and the harm which these energy drinks can make in their body. A research was conducted by Mayo Clinic hospital says that Energy drinks related emergency visit double in the hospital in the last 4 years. The same study also says that drinking energy drinks might lead to a very dangerous diseases such as Rapid heartbeat and blood pressure. Energy drinks do not cause only dangerous diseases but also it can cause death, and there are too many death cases which are related to energy drinks. According to CBS news, a 19 years old teenager Alex Morris died in California from a heart attack last year after consuming two cans of the energy drink Monster. Another death case was reported by CBS news in Maryland for a 14-year-old Anais Fournier. Anais died after he consumed two cans of Monster. In 2011, Cory Terry 33 years old from Brooklyn new York died from heart attack during a basketball game after drinking the energy drink Red bull. In 2013, Michael Clarke a 35 years old truck driver from Australia died from caffeine toxicity after drinking four cans of Red Bull. According to Michaels mother, Michael has never smoked and he used to run daily, and he was in a good health. According to ABC news, the 5 Hour energy drink has led to the death of 13 people in the past 4 years. Lanna Hamann, 16 years old girl from Rocky Point, Mexico, died from a heart attack after consuming 3 cans of the energy drink Rock Star. These examples of the death cases which are related to the energy drinks are actually few from many reported and unreported cases. My friend, I understand the need of being awake is very important for all of us since our life is very busy, but there are other safe alternatives which can make us awake and also in the same time do not harm our lives. For example, instead of drinking energy drink we can eat Chocolate, which contains caffeine also 100 gram of chocolate contains around 43 grams of caffeine. Moreover, Chocolate has some important minerals to our body such as Iron and magnesium. Another alternative is drinking tea, a 100 gram of tea contains 11 milligram of caffeine. According to Today Health magazine, drinking Tea is very good for human health since it contain antioxidant which can protect human from cancer and also it increases human metabolism which can help in losing weight. Another alternative is drinking coffee, a 100 gram of coffee contains 40 milligram of caffeine. According to Harvard school of public health, coffee contains a substance called cafestol, which reduce the cholesterol level in the blood. Another study shows that people who drink coffee have a 23 to 50% lower risk of getting diabetes. In conclusion, my friend, in the media they says red Bull can give wings but actually it doesnt. These energy drinks can harm your health and might kill you. So in this busy life you can always eat or drink natural food or dinks to make you awake and healthy in the same time such as chocolate, tea or coffee. pants rested until their heart rate

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fredrick Douglass Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is in the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, that Douglass informs the reader not only of â€Å"how a man is [mentally] made a slave; you [also] see how a slave [is mentally] made a man† (75). Douglass informs the readers that slaves were often separated from their family members, by their slave owners because owners felt; slaves who had relationships would be a greater threat together than they would be if they were separated. In this novel, Douglass addresses the significance of the relationships that existed between slaves and their loved ones; he also shows how the absence of these relationships affected the slave’s state of mind and helped contribute to the formation of a slave’s identity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Slave owners enforced the separation of slaves from their friends and families at birth. Slave owners feared that if they allowed relationships to develop between slaves they would run the risk of slaves uniting and planning a revolution. Therefore, â€Å"frequently, before the child has reached its twelfth month, its mother is taken from it...† (20). The repercussions of a slave defending their child if something dangerous occurred would put both the slave and the slave owner’s life in danger. A slave would be whipped severely and possibly sold for putting his or her hands on a white man; and a slave can become overwhelmed with anger and strike a slave owner until he is dead. Douglass says,† [he] never enjoyed to any co...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cold Food Festival

1. Cold Food Festival originated from Chinese according to a legend. The legend has been told that, in Spring and Autumn period,  Chong'er  (Tan Van Cong), a prince of Jin, endured many hardships while he fled around the warring states. Once, in order to help the prince who was tormented by hunger,  Jie Zhitui  (Gioi Tu Thoi) cut off the flesh from his thigh and offered it to the prince for sustenance. Later, when Chong'er became Duke Wen of Jin, he ordered a search for Jie Zhitui who had gone into hiding in the remote mountains with his mother.Jie Zhitui had no political ambitions and felt ashamed to work with his hypocritical fellows, hence refused invitation of the Duke. Then the mountain was ordered to be burned down in order to force Zhitui out of hiding. Unfortunately Zhitui did not give in and the fire ended up killing Zhitui and his mother. Filled with remorse, the Duke ordered that each year during these three days the setting of fire is forbidden – all food w as to be consumed cold. Therefore the Festival is thus namedIn Vietnam, because of a thousand years of domination by northern invaders, our people were affected by Chinese customs and we also celebrated Cold Food Festival, which is called T? t han th? c , in the northen part of the country, but only marginally. However, our Cold Food Festival is very different from Chinese’s. We cook  glutinous rice  balls called  Ã¢â‚¬Å"banh troi banh chay†Ã‚  on that day to worship their forefather but the holiday's origins are largely forgotten, and the fire taboo is also largely ignored. 2. Origin of â€Å"Banh troi banh chay† In Cold Food Festival, â€Å"banh troi banh chay† are indispensable.However, through many generations, people still make these cakes but almost of them do not know about their origins. There are many legends about them but the most famous one is the legend of Lac Long Quan and Au Co. According to this legend, Au Co gave birth to a bundle of 100 eggs, which hatching 100 sons. After growing up, a half of the sons followed their father to go to the sea, and another half, together with the mother, went to the mountain. So Vietnamese people make â€Å"banh troi† as the symbol of 50 sons, who hatched from 50 eggs, went to the mountain and â€Å"banh chay† as the symbol of others who went to the sea.Today, we make these type of cake to remind ourselves about our root. Due to limited time, in this part, we just present how to make â€Å"banh troi† and its ingredients. ? Ingredients: – Sticky rice flour – Salt – Water – Candy – Roasted sesame and coconut which is scraped into fibers. ? Process of making cakes: – Mix the flour with salt and cold water, and knead the dough. – All the flour should be mixed gradually; if it’s in excess, add more flour until the mixture is smooth and soft. – To knead the cake, first of all, take small parts of the d ough, roll and then give the dough a slight press in order to flatten.Secondly, put the candy into the middle, and bundle up. – Try to roll them roundly and regularly so that the cake will look good – Before boiling the cakes, you should prepare a bowl of water to drop them into it when they are picked up. – Boiling a pot of water and drop the cakes in turn, just 5-7 cakes one time to pick them all up at the same time. At first, the cakes will sink when we drop them in. – When the cakes are done to a turn, they’ll float, which means it’s time to pick them up. – Remember to drop the cakes into the bowl right after pick them up so that we can prevent them from being sticky. Finally, all you need to do is to pick up the cakes, put them into a dish, and sprinkle the dish with roasted sesame. 3. Meaning: In our country, Cold Food Festival has a profound national meaning which is consistent with the psychology as well as daily life of Vietn amese people. In Cold Food Festival, people only make â€Å"banh troi, banh chay† to replace cold food. Its main aim is to remind us of our ancestors. â€Å"Banh troi, banh chay† are made to express our gratitude and remember our root. On the whole, it is an interesting cuisine festival that not all countries over the world have.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Research Graphic Organizer Essay

Write your thesis statement about the Effectiveness of Advertising in the space provided below. Include previous sections into this document before submitting this Research Graphic Organizer. Choose a topic: Technology; Sports Equipment; Clothing; Food Questions to research: Are advertisements aimed at teenagers effective? And, are they ethical? My Response: yes, because it looks more fashion and I think its shape design can be more accepted for most of teenagers. Of course they are ethical, because I believe that they don’t want to go bankrupt. And also bring more high-technology to improve the people’s life. Sources Title, URL, and Date of Access Central Idea http://store.sony.com/xperia-z2-tablet-16gb–zid27-SGP511/B/cat-27-catid-All-Xperia-Tablets?_t=pfm%3Dcategory 11/4 A tablet for everything you need. Thesis Statement: A tablet for everything you need. And more closer to your life. And bring more convenience for the people who are going to use their products. Like this tablet is more bigger than previous tablets, and the quality also more  advanced. Also the water proof is one of the most attractive points to this tablets. Outline: Title: Tablet Thesis Statement: Given that more functions of tablets are invented. Tablet becomes more closer to your life. I. It used the new function â€Å"waterproof† to convince their customers to buy their products. A. Indeed its waterproof is truly an innovation. II. The weight is lighter than before. A. This strategy is really important for the people who are usually using the phone or tablet, the most lighter their tablets are, the more convenient they have. Paragraph: The tablet is very effective when they marketing to the teenagers. First the waterproof, why sony wants to do the waterproof for their tablets, it is because nowadays teenagers tend to use electronic devices, they may even using devices in the restroom. So the strategy is using teenagers’ tendency to develop appropriate function of their tablets in order to attract more customers to increase their income.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The 15 Best Books on Writing A Reading List for Novelists

The 15 Best Books on Writing A Reading List for Novelists The 15 Best Books on Writing: A Reading List for Novelists Okay, we know what you’re thinking: why compile a list of the best craft-based  books when most people these days learn exclusively from blogs, podcasts, and YouTube videos? Well, because we still think there’s something to be said for the long-form enjoyment and value of picking up a book and learning directly from an author - especially if you’re angling to become an author yourself. Indeed, both the technical wisdom and biographical experiences  of these writers can be hugely beneficial as you develop your own process.For this post, we asked an online community of writers to suggest some indispensable books about writing. With their answers in mind, here are 15 of the very best books on writing to help you hone your craft to perfection! 15 incredible books on writing to help you write YOUR dream book 📘🠏† 1. On Writing by Stephen KingPerhaps the most-cited book on this list, On Writing is part-memoir, part-masterclass from one of America’s leading authors. Come for the vivid accounts of his childhood - and his extended "lost weekend" of drinking and drugs in the 1980s. Stay for the specific, actionable advice on what it takes to become an author. Among the many craft-based tips are King’s expert takes on plot, story, character, and more, which he's used to pen countless novels and short stories.From the book: â€Å"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.† Two Types of Writers: Plotters and Pantsers Read post 5. Take Off Your Pants by Libbie HawkerOf all the titles on this list, Take Off Your Pants has to be the most eye-catching. But rather than remarking on the joys of working from home, this title actually alludes to being a pantser: a writer who dives straight into their draft with little more than an idea. Hawker doesn’t dissuade writers from â€Å"pantsing,† but does note that structure tends to help, at least in her experience. This book details her process for planning a story, offering various tools and techniques for nailing your book before you start typing â€Å"once upon a time.†From the book: â€Å"When it comes to the eternal quandary of pantsing or plotting, you can keep a foot in each camp. But if your goals will require you to write with speed and confidence, an effective outline will be your best friend.† "Take Off Your Pants" by Libbie Hawker + 14 other essential books on writingðŸ‘â€" 6. Writing into the Dark by Dean Wesley SmithAnd for those who eschew structure altogether, we’ll refer you to this title from prolific science fiction author Dean Wesley Smith. Having authored a number of official Star Trek novels, he encourages writers to go boldly into the unknown, with an approach to writing books that doesn’t necessarily involve an elaborate plan.From the book: â€Å"Imagine if every novel you picked up had a detailed outline of the entire plot†¦ Would you read the novel after reading the outline? Chances are, no. What would be the point? You already know the journey the writer is going to take you on. So, as a writer, why do an outline and then have to spend all that time creating a book you already know?†7. Everybody Writes by Ann HandleyThe full title of this all-inclusive book on writing is actually Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content - which should tell you something about its universally encou raging nature. Not only does Handley have some great ideas on how to plan and produce a great story, she also provides tips on general content writing, which comes in handy when it’s time to market your book. And while the central message of Everybody Writes may be right there in the title, we can attest that its material will make you see writing in a whole new light.From the book: â€Å"In our world, many hold a notion that the ability to write, or write well, is a gift bestowed on a chosen few. That leaves us thinking there are two kinds of people: the writing haves - and the hapless, for whom writing well is a hopeless struggle, like trying to carve marble with a butter knife. But I don’t believe that, and neither should you.†8. How to Become a Successful Indie Author by Craig Martelle Be the architect of your story. (Image: Khara Woods on Unsplash)15. The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers by Christopher VoglerAnd finally we arrive not merely at prolific structure, but at mythic structure. Vogler’s book, originally published in 1992, is now a modern classic of writing advice; though intended as a screenwriting textbook, its contents apply to any story of mythic proportions. In The Writer’s Journey, Vogler takes a page (literally) from Joseph Campbell’s Hero of a Thousand Faces to ruminate upon the most essential narrative structures and character archetypes of the writing craft. So if you’re thinking of drawing up an epic fantasy series full of those tropes we all know and love, this guide should be right up your alley.From the book: â€Å"The Hero’s Journey is not an invention, but an observation. It is a recognition of a beautiful design†¦ It’s difficult to avoid the sensation that the Hero’s Jou rney exists somewhere, somehow, as an external reality, a Platonic ideal form, a divine model. From this model, infinite and highly varied copies can be produced, each resonating with the essential spirit of the form.†That’s all the recommendations we have for now - but we’re always looking for more! Tell us in the comments: what are your favorite books on writing, and why?

Monday, November 4, 2019

Concept of accountaibility & how it can be strengthened in world Essay

Concept of accountaibility & how it can be strengthened in world pilitics - Essay Example Individuals who are in positions of power that affect world politics should have a higher level of accountability than local politicians due to the possible ramifications. A need for strengthened accountability is needed in their volatile political atmosphere. By applying the need for increased accountability in organizations that influence world politics is important in many aspects. Without being held to task for what they are doing, there is a possibility of personal beliefs and unknown alliances to influence the results. If this occurs, there could be detrimental consequences for all of those involved. To explain how accountability is better used, a supranational organization will be examined by how accountability is used currently and how it could be better used. Supranational organization means that an organization is above one nation, either by the span of their operations or because of where the leaders are located. A great example of this is during the current conflict the United States government in attempts to save money and decrease troop levels began to hire private corporations to act as paramilitary forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan. One corporation that has been in the news off and on since the beginning of the United States involvement in Iraqi conflict was what is currently known as Academi. Academi has been previously known as Xe Services LLC, Blackwater USA, and Blackwater Worldwide. According to the United States government, Academi has provided private military security, diplomatic security, logistics, airlift, and transportation to the United States government. In addition to providing the national government, Academi has assisted state governments with security. (Burns, 2007) To make matters worse, those in control of Academi have contracts assisting foreign countries, such as Japan. (Shachtman, 2007) Due to their conduct, the country of Iraq has banned Academi

Saturday, November 2, 2019

E-commerce and Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

E-commerce and Marketing - Assignment Example The aim of this paper is to examine the importance of social media marketing. The different elements of social media have been highlighted and discussed. The paper also discusses the promotion strategies which Xazha a small scale retailer in United Kingdom is supposed to adopt so as to maximize their profits. Lastly the paper also includes the factors which the small scale enterprise is supposed to consider before adopting the promotion strategies. Social media Its application in marketing has highly increased and it is being used as a base for client development. The insight of marketing through the social media has shifted in a very high rate and it is no longer seen as a trendy but as a flexible means. The big three sites which are ; Facebook, twitter, and Google have become a part and parcel of any business whereby each retail is seeking for a place in the traditional and modernized market place (Jaffrey, 2011). According to a report released in the year 2012, almost 60% of the marketers are spending time online focusing on promoting their products. It was also found out that 43% of the people who are in the age group of (20-29) are spending approximately 10 hours or more in a week on the social Medias. Most of them are chatting or just browsing. 58% of the businesses which use the social medial for promoting their products have been reported to increase their sales in the previous three years (Jaffrey, 2011). Facebook The site is mainly used by the youths. They find new friends and view their friend’s pictures among other activities. However, Facebook has been adopted for advertising. The businesses are creating Facebook pages which the Facebook users are in a position to view. The businesses can then use the pages they have created to promote their products, build, the organization’s brand as well as offering deals (Jaffrey, 2011). Twitter Just like face